EngagementHQ ideas for more interesting sites

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This Engagement HQ (EHQ) site is intended to help you create more interesting, innovative and effective EHQ sites for you to use with your communities and other interested in the work you are undertaking. Here we have presented 5 types of activity that we think will help bring additional dimensions to your consultation and engagement activities. These activities are

1 Banner Templates: helping your site look good

2 Generating a range of ideas and contributions

3 Community sharing of images

4 Using Maps in EHQ

5 QR codes, mixing the digital and the physical

Almost all of these activity are described through a video outlining how the activity would work from a resident or community member perspective, a video describing how to actually set this up in EHQ and finally a text summary of this set up. We don't though present these as recipes to follow, these are just examples of the sorts of things you could do in your activities, there are many different ways to use maps, or idea generation or any of the other activities. Like and EHQ site, this site will only succeed if its a living document, please do share your experiments, observations, innovations and experiments. Either in the 5 areas described here or by setting up a new activity.

Please add a link to your new activity examples below

1 Pictures in tables

This Engagement HQ (EHQ) site is intended to help you create more interesting, innovative and effective EHQ sites for you to use with your communities and other interested in the work you are undertaking. Here we have presented 5 types of activity that we think will help bring additional dimensions to your consultation and engagement activities. These activities are

1 Banner Templates: helping your site look good

2 Generating a range of ideas and contributions

3 Community sharing of images

4 Using Maps in EHQ

5 QR codes, mixing the digital and the physical

Almost all of these activity are described through a video outlining how the activity would work from a resident or community member perspective, a video describing how to actually set this up in EHQ and finally a text summary of this set up. We don't though present these as recipes to follow, these are just examples of the sorts of things you could do in your activities, there are many different ways to use maps, or idea generation or any of the other activities. Like and EHQ site, this site will only succeed if its a living document, please do share your experiments, observations, innovations and experiments. Either in the 5 areas described here or by setting up a new activity.

Please add a link to your new activity examples below

1 Pictures in tables

  • Pictures in tables

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    I realised quickly whilst working on KeepConnected that my basic project page needed to be a little brighter inviting for users (much like the main Hub page) and I wanted the option for users to click on photos to find our more about the community conversations we have been having.

    So, if you wanted to create something similar, this is how:

    • Created a table

    • In each box I inserted a picture relevant to each topic (helpful tip - the pictures all had to be saved as 3:2 ratio for them to look the same)
    • Rounded the corners of each photo

    • Inserted Table Headers (for conversation titles/project name)

    • Created a link in each picture to the conversation/project page I want them to go to

    Voila - now users can easily click on the picture to access the conversation they want to know more about

    The Community Conversations project can be found here to see the final outcome.

  • Banner Templates: Helping your site to look good

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    supporting image

    Here we have a series of ideas for banners in a powerpoint file. If you open this in Powerpoint you will see a range of ideas for banners. These can be modified or edited, for example you can import your own images. If you export the banner file as JPEG images iy will create banner images in a format and shape that will work for different types of banner in engagement HQ. You might want to share your banner designs on this engagement HQ as powerpoint files off you would like to share with your colleagues.

    Click here to download the Powerpoint templates

  • Gathering a range of ideas and contributions

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    This approach can be used to help a community to share ideas, vote and be informed about the decisions made about a project. It can be used to ask the community about, for example, which kind of events they would like to happen or gather ideas about what to do with a specific venue, such as schools or community centre.

    The film below shows how a range of ideas can be contributed and voted on by residents in practice

    The video below demonstrates how to set up Engagement HQ to capture, moderate and publish contributions from community members

    Summary: Gathering a range of ideas and contributions

    • Add the tool “Ideas” to a project in the EngagementHQ.

    • Type a prompt to encourage residents to share ideas about a new project you would like to do.

    • Set a date when your participants are allowed to vote for the best ideas

    • Add the widget “Lifecycle” to a project in the EngagementHQ to keep participants informed of each stage of the Distributed Ideas event

    • Add the link to the Distributed ideas page to the Lifecyle description

    • Add a voting title and a period of voting for the best idea in the Lifecycle Widget

    Return to the main page

  • Community Sharing of Images or Ideas; for example 'talent show'

    Share Community Sharing of Images or Ideas; for example 'talent show' on Facebook Share Community Sharing of Images or Ideas; for example 'talent show' on Twitter Share Community Sharing of Images or Ideas; for example 'talent show' on Linkedin Email Community Sharing of Images or Ideas; for example 'talent show' link


    Engagement HQ can be used to gather contribution from community members (and people across the counci). These contributions can be moderated before full publication, these contributions can be text, image or even video. We show how to do this through the example of a 'talent show' spotlighting the interested and hobbies of the residents of Mainway. This model enables people to share their videos, images, links with their handcrafts, music band, amazing photographs. The selection of the best talent can be moderated by Engagement officers or by popular vote. This model can be used, for example, to showcase skills or actual contests. The videos and screenshots below describe the process of creating this activity and how it could work in practice.

    The film below shows how community members can share ideas and other content including pictures, text and video

    The video below shows how engagement HQ can be set up to allow community members to share content

    Summary: sharing images

    • Add the tool “Places” to a project.

    • Type a prompt to encourage residents to share their beautiful spots in Mainway

    • Set Mainway as location

    • Draw a boundary to limit the interaction to the Mainway area

    • Add a pin and select a star or heart icon

    • Enable photo upload

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  • Using Maps in Engagement HQ

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    Engagament HQ can use maps to enable people to place a comment, information or other 'objects' on a map. The map can be any scale you want from the world to a specific neighbourhood. We achieve this through the ''Places' tool. It can be used for enabling a community, for example, to share impromptu community organised events, to map out historical landmarks in an area, or to map places where and when people are fly-tipping in an area.

    The film below shows how community members can use maps to share ideas or information

    EngagementHQ setup (example)

    Watch these steps on the video below

    Summary: Setting up a map activity in Engagement HQ

    1. Add the tool “Places” to a project.
    2. Type a prompt to encourage residents to share the history of Mainway
    3. Set Mainway as location
    4. Draw a boundary to limit the interaction to the Mainway area
    5. Add a pin and select a monument or information icon
    6. Add a dropdown question with years from 1960 to 2021

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  • Digital engagement in physical spaces

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    This model enables a community to engage in the real-world using QR codes and share their thoughts about a space using the different tools. For instance, this model can be used for enabling a community to write reviews about a space or business (Forums tool), to share ideas for activities in a specific venue (Ideas tool), share photos of tourist spots in the area or photos of the food and reviews from local restaurants (Places tool).

    EngagementHQ in Action: The film below shows how QR codes could be used by residents in practice

    Setting Up EngagementHQ: The video below demonstrates how to set up a QR code activity in Engagement HQ

    Summary: QR codes and digital engagement in physical spaces:

    • Add the tool “Places” to a project.

    • Type a prompt to encourage residents to share their beautiful spots in Mainway

    • Set Mainway as location

    • Draw a boundary to limit the interaction to the Mainway area

    • Add a pin and select a star or heart icon

    • Enable photo upload

    Watch these steps on the video below

    Return to home page

Page last updated: 06 Mar 2024, 05:09 PM