EngagementHQ ideas for more interesting sites
This Engagement HQ (EHQ) site is intended to help you create more interesting, innovative and effective EHQ sites for you to use with your communities and other interested in the work you are undertaking. Here we have presented 5 types of activity that we think will help bring additional dimensions to your consultation and engagement activities. These activities are
1 Banner Templates: helping your site look good
2 Generating a range of ideas and contributions
5 QR codes, mixing the digital and the physical
Almost all of these activity are described through a video outlining how the activity would work from a resident or community member perspective, a video describing how to actually set this up in EHQ and finally a text summary of this set up. We don't though present these as recipes to follow, these are just examples of the sorts of things you could do in your activities, there are many different ways to use maps, or idea generation or any of the other activities. Like and EHQ site, this site will only succeed if its a living document, please do share your experiments, observations, innovations and experiments. Either in the 5 areas described here or by setting up a new activity.
Please add a link to your new activity examples below
My beautiful Mainway
Add a pin, position the pin in the place you took the picture, upload the image, and submit it.
Mainway History
Tell us the History of Mainway. Share facts and photos from the past and present and pin in the map where and when these moments happened.