Winchester Field and Nature Area

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Friends of Winchester Field and Nature Area

Recent housing developments in this area mean that Lancaster City Council have a small sum of money to be spent on improving play facilities in this area.

Friends of Winchester Field and Nature Area would like to

  • Improve drainage
  • Improve play equipment within the play area

This work cannot begin any earlier than autumn 2024.

The friends group are also fundraising for additional work in the area longer term – and we need to know which ideas local residents care about most. Can you please complete our survey we would love to hear your views?

Friends of Winchester Field and Nature Area

Recent housing developments in this area mean that Lancaster City Council have a small sum of money to be spent on improving play facilities in this area.

Friends of Winchester Field and Nature Area would like to

  • Improve drainage
  • Improve play equipment within the play area

This work cannot begin any earlier than autumn 2024.

The friends group are also fundraising for additional work in the area longer term – and we need to know which ideas local residents care about most. Can you please complete our survey we would love to hear your views?

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 07 Nov 2023, 11:35 AM