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Proposed Dog Public Space Protection Orders

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Anyone who lives in or visits the Lancaster City Council district knows that our area is blessed with wonderful beaches, parks, and open spaces. We want those places to be a welcoming and safe environment for all, including dog walkers. To help us provide this the council has previously introduced Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) to balance the needs of dog walkers with the rest of the public. As they are now lapsed, we need your views on the re-introduction of the previous PSPO's.


Cleaning up after a dog on all land throughout the district which has public access (except Forestry Commission land).


Keeping a dog on a lead on highways, car parks, cemeteries and graveyards and designated parks and gardens.


Putting a dog on a lead when directed by a person authorised by the council. This would apply throughout the district and be used at events such as sports events on public playing fields.


Excluding dogs from designated areas, including a number of beaches during summer months, enclosed children’s play areas and enclosed sports pitches.