Climate Change - ideas

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Welcome to Lancaster District Climate Change community.

Lancaster District has the opportunity to lead the way on work to address climate change. By working together, we can build a new future in a post Covid-19 world.
We are committed to reducing carbon emissions from council services. This includes installing solar panels on council homes, providing low energy council buildings and changing to low emission vehicles for refuse collections and other services.

We also want to enable people to take up the challenge of reducing their own carbon footprint.

This is a space for you to share ideas , discuss important topics and contribute to the future of your district.

Welcome to Lancaster District Climate Change community.

Lancaster District has the opportunity to lead the way on work to address climate change. By working together, we can build a new future in a post Covid-19 world.
We are committed to reducing carbon emissions from council services. This includes installing solar panels on council homes, providing low energy council buildings and changing to low emission vehicles for refuse collections and other services.

We also want to enable people to take up the challenge of reducing their own carbon footprint.

This is a space for you to share ideas , discuss important topics and contribute to the future of your district.

Page last updated: 10 Nov 2023, 12:44 PM