Section 1: Tell us who you are
The following questions are related to you and your business type.
I agree to the sharing of the information I provide in this survey between all parts of Lancaster City Council
Please tell us the name and address of your business
What is your postcode?
Maximum 255 characters
Name of the person completing this survey
Contact telephone number
Contact e-mail address:
Section 2: A bit more about your business
Please tells us a bit more about your business and what you do
How would you describe your business?
How many employees do you have?
Please indicate how adversely affected your business has been affected by the restrictions that have been in place at different times since March 2020?
Section 3: Please indicate how important any of the current support that we provide would be to your business
Support for growing businesses
Support with recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic
Business grants, finance and funding
Access to Finance from Boost Business Lancashire
Help with skills and recruitment
Business advice, mentoring and coaching
Finding suitable sites and premises
Doing business with the council
Infection Control Advice
Level 2 Food Hygiene course for food handlers
Safer Food Direct – for existing businesses “health check” for food hygiene rating
Allergen training for food businesses
Section 4: Going Forward
What other type of support you would like to see?